
January 13 2016

Updated the bio page, the gif of the day page, and started a gif of the day archive page.

Updated the main page a bit.

January 12 2016

Did a gif of the day page, mostly as a way to ensure I update this daily. Also, who doesn't love gifs?

Updated the bio page with a sketch of some of my interests.

Changed some stuff in the navigation bar.

January 11 2016

Yup, this page is definitely not dead! Just had some delays in updating it. Anyway, I've done some small changes on the about page (although I'm still not satisfied with it) and changed the home page video.

Added an email to the footer.

October 29 2015

Put the Neocities button at the footer of all pages.

October 27 2015

Changed the home page video and updated it so it only plays the audio. Also started the bio page. Updated the navigation bar so that it'll always show changes to it regardless of one's cache.

October 25 2015

Put this video on the home page (it doesn't play automatically, I swear!). I'm thinking of changing it every week; it would be an excuse not to abandon this site at some point.

October 24 2015

Made this log page and the about page.

October 23 2015

Started this site!